Physical Fitness & Self Defense

Why your life depends on it

Self-defense is not just about being able to physically fight off an attacker, it’s also about having the awareness and confidence to prevent an attack from happening in the first place. That’s why physical fitness is so important when it comes to self-defense.

A fit body is a strong body, and a strong body is better able to defend itself against an attacker. But fitness isn’t just about strength, it’s also about stamina and flexibility. A fit person is less likely to be winded during a physical confrontation and more likely to be able to avoid injury. In addition, fitness helps improve coordination and balance, both of which are essential for self-defense. And finally, being physically fit helps you exude confidence, which can be a major deterrent to would-be attackers. Confident people are less likely to be targeted for attack, and if an attack does happen, they’re more likely to be able to fight back effectively. So whether you’re looking to prevent an attack or escape one, physical fitness is an important part of self-defense.

Situational awareness goes hand in hand with physical fitness

Similarly, situational awareness is key to self-defense. Being aware of your surroundings at all times can help you spot potential threats before they happen. If you’re constantly on the lookout for danger, you’re less likely to be caught off guard by an attacker. You will have more difficulty maintaining vigilance in this regard if you are lethargic and unfocused. If you are attacked, your situational awareness will help you identify the best escape route or potential weapon. So keep your head up and your eyes open, and never let yourself be caught unaware.

Where to start…

If you’re not following a fitness program, you need to start. When it comes to self-defense, a firearm is not always the most appropriate response. You may be able to run, climb, crawl, or physically fend off an attacker. Aside from the increased longevity that comes with physical fitness, your life may depend on your ability to perform physically. So lift weights, do some sprints or interval training, and if you have no idea where to start, there are some wonderful coaches are your local gym or online to point you in the right direction.

Amara Barnes

Amara Barnes is the founder and CEO of Women Gun Owners Association of America (WGOAA). Her passion for helping other women learn the skills, abilities, and gain the confidence they need to handle, carry, and shoot any type of firearm is what inspires her everyday.

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